Under the microscope

Suspicion and distrust of modern 'science' is widespread. But it is not 'science' that is to be criticized, but rather the way that it is used. 'Science' is not good or bad, racist or sexist, biased or unbiased. People are, and it is people who conduct science.

2 September 2009

New Internationalist

Dismissed and undiagnosed

Sufferers visit gynecologists, urologists and naturopaths in search of relief - only to be told it's 'all in their heads.' But chronic vulvar pain is real, medical researchers say, and it may affect one in six women

2 December 2008

The Globe and Mail

Do No Harm

What would you do if your doctor groped your breast after you had gone to see him about your throat?

1 February 2008


Making the cut

Forget boob jobs and Botox. These days‚ the pressure to be perfect is hitting many women below the belt

1 September 2005
